
55 Audio Reviews

38 w/ Responses

Review Request Club

I thought the thing really worked and if I didn't know that this was a game song, I would have just gave this a bad score but this ACTUALLY has a meaning so I will start here:

I thought the loops were kind of overused because I literally heard the same thing for a long time but I know this IS game music but what about something more original? That's all I hear for game music! I thought it was cool to see some things in the middle that sounded like robots.

I like how it gives you the impressionistic feel of a factory or a future robot-ran city but that's probably what the game is going to be about right? Future? But you didn't need to keep this going for six minutes because it seriously sounds the same in the third minute and the 4th minute!

It would be cool to add more effects to it to give the gamer the full effect or at least more robot sound because hearing that for a while would give little children but I heard another robot sound get louder every minute so grats for that. But that's about all I really needs to be said about this.

EvilScorpio responds:

Thanks for the review) I'll try to improve this track...I just hope I don't lost the project file...


I liked the beat and how the music got different in many ways and WOULD work if you were in a forest covered with snow but the nature and the way it feels was really good.

It had a nice ending to it but it had kind of an abrupt ending because it just stopped all of the music and had the little ending for a couple seconds. I think you should make that ending part a little longer.

I feel really sorry that this got zero bombed because this was a pretty good piece and even I can't making something like this! Anyways, sorry for reviewing so late when I clearly said I would get right to it but oh well. I really liked how it was like life in the forest and felt like there was animals hopping around in the dense forest.

The instruments you picked were awesome and really fit in like the tambourine that came every couple of beats which is what I liked and I STILL have this stuck in my head from the only 1 time I listened to it!

Overall I thought this was great and I think you should fix the ending a bit but I thought this was really cool!

(Review Request Club)

EagleGuard responds:

I'm glad you liked it! I'll think about what you said about the ending.

I'm sorry it got stuck in your head :P

Thanks for the review!


It started out small and started growing on which is pretty cool then it got to the whole beat. I liked the start a whole lot and the middle came out with a good beat too and I am sure you put a lot of effort into making this. I like how the instruments just come in after time too.

I think you should have added a little more beats into it then the whole thing going high and starting all over again. The solo part was pretty awesome too. I actually had to turn the speakers up for the first minute though but I think you should have made tyhe whole getting louder process faster.

I also liked the drums and the bass a lot. Overall I thought the piece was pretty impressive and I would like to hear more out of you. The ending was the best part though when it was another solo which nded the song pretty well and I really enjoyed hearing it.

(Review Request Club)

CKC2009 responds:

omg dude, i think i have a 5th sense... i just clicked on here :O

but thanks man,

Pretty cool

I thought the start of it was pretty cool how the music alternates from one side to the other in a little tone but it did sound a little like 8 bit stuff which is pretty cool then it came to a pretty cool city music kind of thing. I think you should have put a little more things into it instead of making it repeat again and again.

I thought it was weird how I just happen to only review YOUR audio. I like your Misc selection and it was pretty cool to listen to and had a very pleasant feel when the drums came in but the whole thing kind of hurt my ears a bit . Although, I wouldnt expect to hear THIS in a palace.

I think the whole song would make great game music for some city level. Overall I thought the piece was fantastic but a bit repetive but a great audio submission.

(Review Request Club)

Birdinator99 responds:

Thanks for your review!

Ya, clearly not my grade-A stuff, but I glad you liked it.

Sounds pretty cool.


It was cool to put a storyline between the transitions! The middle part was the best and sounded the most like invading. Also a good choice of instruments to make it sound abstract and alienistic and I am only at half at the song right now and listening to it and reviewing at the same time but why did it just stop right after the second part? That wasn't very good. You should change it and fix it but it had a pretty short third transition that kind of repeated the first.

It reminded me of Beethoven's symphonys like how it had the first part, the second exciting part, and the most enjoyable last part and I think there is a better word for Transitions in this matter but I can't figure out what the word is. I think it was awesome of you to do that even though you probably don't know much of that.

The story was cool too but there should be a part where space marines try to destroy the alien's planet THEN you go on with the invading and crap then they go back to their planet and do something fun but I guess it IS your story but I thought the instruments were well picked out and used and it had a very great "Alien Effect" through the whole thing.

Well overall you picked out the instruments well and they were pretty cool to listen to and it was very alienistic and I think you did a great job on it.

Birdinator99 responds:

Hey, thanks for the in-depth review! The transition to the 3rd part was intended to be sudden, as to resemble the aliens leaving as quickly as they came. The 3rd part isn't too exciting I suppose, but I guess I could have spent more time on it. Thanks for the 10/10 and the great comments!

Space marines, huh?

Wow, a lot of explict audio.

You went kind of overboard with all of the explict lyrics I mean there wasn't a sentence that didn't have the word "shit" in it. You know making explict audio doesn't make you any cooler (I'm trying not to sound like a goody goody right now)

Anyways, the beat was not very original like the other songs like this that have the same beat but different lyrics. (How come people used to do that all the time!?) Anyways, why is called 4:20, I don't think it has anything to do with it.

Did you use helium after the middle because it sounds kind of weird here. I couldn't understand the lyrics there either. but I noticed that there was an added instrument near the end.

I can't find anything else to say so here is the overall score:

Lyrics 6/10
Beat 6/10
Originality 3/10
Choice of instruments 10/10
Drum 10/10
I don't know what the name of the instrument at the end is but I give it a 10/1-

Try to make one that's more original next time.

DumbassDude responds:

This song was more of an inside joke.

The idea was to make it pretty damn unoriginal, which is why I involved a generic beat, typical swearing and other basic cliche devices used in rap.

Thanks for the serious review though :)

I actually LIKED the guitar in it.

I'm glad that you put the guitar in it because it would be bland with only drums. I also liked what the beat is at the end but this song is WAY too long and it was the same beat so it got pretty repetive like in thge middle. 2 minutes would be more reasonable. but on the last minute of the song I heard this beeping noise, was this the guitar because I think it was. But I agree with Alix1, It DOES need some lyrics and singing to it and can imagine what it would sound like with it and it would sound very cool if you did. I also don't know why this is called "Shine Cover". The namejust doesn't go along with it. So this is your SECOND attempt, i can't imagine what the first one sounds like so I looked at it but I was suprised that the first one is better than this. Other than that, here is the overall score:

Choice of Instruments 10/10
Beat 10/10
Guitar 10/10
Drum 10/10
Originality 10/10

Hope you enjoyed this review!

{Review Request Club}

Kirbyfemur responds:

Well it would seem that I assumed to much about this song lol

This song is originally by a band called "Collective Soul". I should probably put that in he discription for the people who probably have not heard it. It's called "Shine Cover" because it is just that, a cover. I wish this was my original song. The beat is only as repetitive as the original, but with some slight tweakings to make it so it's not exactly the same.

The first go had a lot more mistakes than this one, especially the bass part.
The reason why it's not shorter, is because the song is about that length. So yeah sorry the length wont be changing unfortunately, but i will be adding the vocal part hopefully soon.
It makes me feel kind of old to say this song was pretty popular way back when. And it's been one of my favorite songs. So if you want to research it and listen to the original.

Anyways, thank you for the review. =3

Would make a great theme song on a game.

You did very good at the beginning with the drums and the bass guitar and all of the other instruments and I liked the beat a lot. I think this is pretty neat. It wasn't very glitchy like you said, you probably have a slow computer or something because I'm on my laptop right now and it sounds fine to me. Also to me, the static sounded pretty cool for this song but im sure it would make it sound crappier on other songs. But I skipped to like the middle and It sounded the same which made it sound sort of repetitive. The ending is very cool too how it just faded out. But I had first opinions on the beginning because I though it wouldn't be very clear but it sounded like it was on a radio of some sort at the beginning but I still liked this song and I think you should keep it up. Here is the overall score

Originality 6/10 (Because it was inspired by another song)
Effort 10/10
Beat 10/10
Choice of Instruments 10/10
Drums 10/10
Bass Guitar 10/10
Like I said, keep it up!

Liam3003 responds:

Thanks for the very constructive review, Joshsouza. The song was very glitchy, I removed 3 layers of drums because I thought it was abit over the top, All the sounds you hear are intended so I wouldn't say I have a slow computer. I know it's repetitive, but most songs are really. Thanks again for the review.

I though it was pretty cool.

I liked the beat and you did a very good job with the drums too. I can't really picture it in a Halloween Genre though. I agree that it was kind of short though. But i still liked it a lot.I kind of feel like I have heard it in a boss battle in a game. It would fit very well if someone was looking for a boss battle song. I mean like a HARD boss battle. Kind of the same when it got halfway so you should like break off half and make it loop and I bet it would sound the same. I really liked the beat a lot but you should add more instruments to it or something to make it sound cooler because It gets kind of bland with like 3 or 4 instruments in it. Other than that, here is the overall score:

Beat 10/10
Choice of Instruments 10/10
Originality 10/10
Effort 10/10
Do I want an encore? Yes.

{Review Request Club}

dx5231 responds:

Thanks for the review. I know there are only a few instruments, I couldn't find good ones that fits the song :\
I even considered making a loop, but songs never loop correctly for me.

Awesome Job!

First I thought it was a halloween song at the beginning but when it got farther in, I noticed that Halloween Genre wasn't a good choice. I liked how clear it was when I heard it.

Why don't you make it a flash game if you inspiring for a game unless you don't have flash. It made a good haunted house tune. I liked how you used the instruments in it.

I still can't believe that no one has reviewed on this yet. This is a good song. I really enjoyed it. I think it would be cool if someone downloaded this and somehow got it to a big stereo set and play it outside a house tonight because it's one of the things you usually hear when you are about to enter a house transformed into a haunted house.

Other than that I have nothing else to say.

Kirbyfemur responds:

Wow I'm glad you liked it!

I got the inspiration from a screen shot of a flash game someone in the audio forum is making. So it's not that I had the inspiration to make a flash game, it's just inspiration in the hope that it could work out for the particular video game.

If someone randomly wanted to use it in anything of there's i'd probably pass out from excitement, even if the thing ends up being a turd, it would mean that I'm starting to at least get good enough in my composing to be noticed.

I'm more surprised that anyone has reviewed it at all lol I either have one, nor mno reviews on my songs, so having even one review is nice. Thanks again! =3


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