Review Request Club
I thought the thing really worked and if I didn't know that this was a game song, I would have just gave this a bad score but this ACTUALLY has a meaning so I will start here:
I thought the loops were kind of overused because I literally heard the same thing for a long time but I know this IS game music but what about something more original? That's all I hear for game music! I thought it was cool to see some things in the middle that sounded like robots.
I like how it gives you the impressionistic feel of a factory or a future robot-ran city but that's probably what the game is going to be about right? Future? But you didn't need to keep this going for six minutes because it seriously sounds the same in the third minute and the 4th minute!
It would be cool to add more effects to it to give the gamer the full effect or at least more robot sound because hearing that for a while would give little children but I heard another robot sound get louder every minute so grats for that. But that's about all I really needs to be said about this.