Nice Job!
The art was really amazing and the animation and the ranks and all the other stuff so I will start here: The art was improved a LOT but the mochiads weren't good at some times because I had to restart the game because the ad came up and I couldn't find a way to stop it because there wasn't a machiads loading screen or my computer is super fast. I also hated the fact that you had to buy some upgrades for money and track for money.
This is totally off topic but I thought mindchamber doesn't do just two line reviews! Look at bottom of this page or on the last page that this is on. Wellanyways, you did a very good job with the 3-D art but the screen size was so big that I had to put my browser in "Full-Screen Mode" and my monitor is pretty big. I can say I got addicted quick because it was so fun. The animation was smooth too and how you can upgrade things.
I also like how you can get ranks so you don't want to get off. Pretty smart! Really good how you could save your game too. That's great because I always had to start from the beginning from 1-3. It's also good how you hid the towers until you unlocked them ecause it wasn't much of a suprise from 1-3 how you put the super tower for sale in the whole game which pissed me off when I kept staring at the price of it, knowing that you have a long way to go.
One of the other good things is that there was a fast forward mode but why do you have to click and hold it? Why can't you just click it and when you want it to stop, just click it again like Gemcraft but oh, well. You got everything else right. I seriously just on level 3 when i started this review because it's THAT amazing. Just like Jarachia's review, the Mochi thing was good but the ads weren't.
But why didn't you submit this earlier? I mean, it was on your website and I was wondering when it was going to be on newgrounds! But I am glad that you are not doing that much regular Bloons games because they get seroiusly boring. You already have Bloonsworl and Meeblingsworld! What's the point of the user pack if you have those? Oh well they are still good games.
I also like the track editor that's pretty good that you finally put that in. I think you are lucky that you have one of my Super Long Reviews because I only do these when I find really good games. Don't know why this review is the longest out of the other 70 reviews that are still to come. I am really glad that this is going to be in the top fifty because of it's amazing 4.40 out of 5.
I am happy to say that this is my favorite game of the week. Please Respond if your read this or liked it because I want to know if you read it even though this review isn't done, I am just saying this so I know you read a lot of it if you reply. I like your games and this is the best one so far and I don't know how you are going to make a number 5 bevause this one is Really good and I really enjoyed it.
So right now I'm thinking and probably you are think, Oh S*%T, this review is more than 6 paragraphs long and I am proud of that. Anyways, there is a lot of towers in this one and I am really glad that there are unlockables and junk and how you can buy premium upgrades and tracks also the save button which is extremely helpful. This game is just win. Here is the overall score:
Art 10/10
Concept 10/10
Fun 10/10
Addiction 10/10
Originality 10/10
This is one of my top favorite games and I better end this review now because I have almost reached the character limit. Please make more games like this because this is plain awesome. Hope you enjoyed my longest review evr! Bye! Hope you reply! Lol that rhymed.